- The Commission shall perform such functions and exercise such powers as may be required to improve the quality of healthcare services and clinical governance and to ban quackery.
- Under sub-section (1) the Commission shall.
- Maintain register of all healthcare service providers.
- Grant, revoke and renew licenses to persons involved in the provision of the healthcare services.
- Enquire and investigate into maladministration, malpractice and failures in the provision of healthcare services and issue consequential advice and orders.
- Impose and collect fees and charges on registration, licensing and accreditation under this Act.
- Issue regulations, guidelines, instructions and directives to persons involved in the provision of healthcare services.
- Grading of the healthcare establishment.
- Take steps to put ban on quackery.
- The Commission may assign any of its functions to a person on such terms and conditions as may be agreed between the Commission and the person.
- In the performance of its functions, the Commission shall.
- Take into consideration the policy advice of the Technical Advisory Committee.
- Co-ordinate with Government.
- The Commission shall conduct third party evaluation through independent performance/ clinical audit of healthcare establishments in the private sector.
- Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law, the Commission may
- On a complaint by any aggrieved person; or
- On a complaint by any aggrieved healthcare service provider;
- On a reference by Government or the Provincial Assembly of Sindh; or
- On a motion of the Supreme Court of Pakistan or the High Court made during the course of any proceedings before it, undertake investigation into allegations of maladministration, malpractice or failures on the part of a healthcare service provider, or any employee of the healthcare service provider.
- The Commission shall take cognizance of any case of harassment of healthcare service provider or damage to healthcare establishment property and may refer such a case to the competent forum.
- The Commission shall take measures and devise a strategy to counter sale of drugs without prescription.
- The Commission may exercise the same powers as are vested in a civil court under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (V of 1908), in respect of the following matters:
- Summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and examining him on oath;
- Compelling the production of documents;
- Receiving evidence on affidavits; and
- Issuing commission for the examination of witnesses.
- The Commission may authorize members of the staff to administer oaths and to attest various affidavits, affirmations or declarations, which shall be admitted in evidence in all proceedings under this Act without proof of the signature or seal or official character of such person
- If the complaint, submitted by aggrieved person, is proved false, the complainant shall be liable to pay a fine up to two hundred thousand rupees.
- Any practitioner in possession of a medical qualification that allows him to practice Medicine or Surgery in the European Union, Canada, UK, Australia or United States shall be eligible to do the same in the Province of Sindh without hindrance but will be responsible to provide good medical care with ethics under this Act. He shall be answerable to the authority for any queries arising from the care provided by him under this Act. He will follow the regulations of this Act in the same manner as applicable to other doctors working in the Province, subject to registration with PMDC.
- The Commission shall frame the guidelines to save health service provider from harassment, undue pressure and damage to property in performing their professional duties.
- The Security and protection while on duty of the HealthCare Worker should be the responsibility of the organization availing their services.
- The organizations, public or private, government, local, provincial or federal for which the doctors and HealthCare Workers are working must provide them full protection, both physical and legal.
- In case of physical injury incurred while performing the duties, the
- Doctors and healthcare workers should be fully compensated;
- Doctors and healthcare workers should have legal protection and in case of litigation, the administration must own the responsibility of legal cover and provide full financial and legal help accordingly.